From creation, Man has sought for essence in the companion of other people with whom he finds traits admirable or people who share like values. This comes through in Genesis 2, where God, after having created everything, created Eve as a companion comparable to Adam.
The essence of the word comparable gives a sense of Adam and Eve having a singleness of heart and purpose. Like Adam and Eve, it is in the heart of the companions we keep close that many aspects of our lives are defined.
Psalm 1:1-3 (Amplified Version) gives an insight into the essence of man’s association and the impact on his life. Blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favoured by God] is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked [following their advice and example], Nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits [down to rest] in the seat of scoffers (ridiculers). But his delight is in the law of the Lord and on His law [His precepts and teachings] he [habitually] meditates day and night. And he will be like a tree firmly planted [and fed] by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season; Its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers[and comes to maturity]
The people we keep close to us are often an indication of the direction that our life will take. In Daniel 1, we are exposed to the impact of having quality friends, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were found to be worthy in character, intelligent and competent to be of service in the palace of King Nebuchadnezzar. The quality of their character was further revealed when they purposed in their hearts not to defile themselves with a portion of the king’s delicacies.
The result? God gave them knowledge and skill in all kinds of literature and wisdom that even the king found no one comparable to them and put them to his personal service. As children of God, having unbelievers as friends who give us counsel and advice would be as good as straying away from wisdom. Over time, we would begin to act like our friends, behave like them and share common interests that would lead us away from God. It is important to understand that many great friendships from our past do not belong in our future.
The consequences of associating with unbelievers as a Christian would include:
• Despise your work for God until you see no sense to further do God’s work;
• Despise the gift of God in your life till you feel ashamed and see no use for the gift;
• Despise the church leadership and turn you into a rebel in God’s house;
• Despise God until you lose your fear of God and become very comfortable committing sin.
As we go about our living, we should choose our friends wisely, be wise in our association, cut ties with people who don’t draw us closer to God or challenge us to pursue Godly things, and not be enticed by sinful things. Finally, we should keep the exhortation from Psalm 1:1-3
in our hearts and remember that walking with godly people would make us fruitful in life.