Wonder is an expression of great surprise and amazement. People with ignorance of the wonders of grace often get confused and as a result, respond to the beneficiary of grace with hatred, jealousy, and doubt. For instance, when the grace of God found Saul and cleaned up his mess, forgave him, saved him and commissioned him as an Apostle to the gentles, people questioned and doubted his apostleship commission.
Some of the wonders the grace of God does are:
- Grace overlooks your weakness:
Several parts of the bible confirmed that Paul was deficient in public speaking skills, yet by the measure of the grace of God on his life, he outperformed other Apostles including Peter who was the most vocal of the apostle. (2Cor10:10, 2Cor11:6). Grace compensated for his deficient speaking skill with prolific writing skill.
- Grace makes a late starter become a front liner:
Peter and the other eleven disciples were directly taught and mentored by Jesus. Paul had no teacher or mentor, but he had grace. Paul, the least of the Apostle yet outperformed all of them. When Peter was already promoting the gospel by winning thousands of souls to Christ; Paul was still persecuting the church. It is not when or how you started those matters, but the grace that you carry.
- Grace turns a nonentity to celebrity:
A nonentity is a person with no special or interesting qualities, an unimportant person. Esther fits this description. The only profile documented for her in the bible were that: she was Mordecai’s cousin, she was a captive from Jerusalem, she was trained by Mordecai, being an orphan and she was a beautiful virgin. Despite all these, grace was at work for her, and she became a queen in a kingdom of 127 Provinces (Est. 1:1, 2:9,17).
- Grace compensates for your painful past:
Ruth 2:2 – And Ruth the Moabitess said unto Naomi, let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him in whose sight I shall find grace. And she said unto her, Go, my daughter.
Ruth had painful experience, having lost her husband. However, grace connected her to Boaz, the wealthy relative to her late husband’s father. She ultimately connected to the lineage of Jesus. All the troubles, trials, temptation, and torments are all part of the works of grace, building up to position you for greatness.
Grace prevents you from ending the race of live with disgrace. It makes the journey and the suffering to end in great praise. In one day, all the life loss of Joseph was fully compensated for because of the wonders of God’s grace upon his life.