Every Sunday
Celebration Service
9:00am – 11:00am
You are welcome to join us for our Sunday celebration service. You can expect contemporary high praises and deep worship of God. It promises to be both soul and spirit lifting! We encourage you to bring your friends and family along.

First Sunday of the Month
Special Thanksgiving Service
9:00am – 11:00am
As a church, we set aside the first Sunday of every month for special thanksgiving service. In this service, we give God the best of our praises and dances in appreciation of His mercies and kindness to see the new month.

Holds only 3 times a year
Divine Encounter holds only 3 times a year. It is a prayer and fasting based program. In the course of this, we see God move with miracles, healing and prophetic releases are evident by abundant testimonies. We kick off the weekend on Fridays with intensive praise and worship to create an atmosphere for God’s glory to manifest and then move into effective and fervent prayers to engage the Almighty. The grand finale takes place on Sunday: Our worship and preaching are centered on the specific encounter with God with proving results. The Divine Encounter is not an event but rather, a strategic encounter with God!

Holds 3 days Annually
Elevation Conference holds annually. During the conference, participants are equipped and inspired to locate their purpose in the word of God. They are also motivated to pursue and take their place in destiny within the abundance of divine provision irrespective of the obvious limitations in the environment. The conference hosts a plethora of insightful ministers from around the world. It starts from Friday through to Sunday. This is the most impactful 3 days you’ll ever have.